All About Nito
I'm Nito, and this site was an on-off pipe dream for several months, followed by a short burst of inspiration that, surprisingly, I followed through on.
"Trusty Nito" comes from two separate characters in Dark Souls. One, Gravelord Nito, is one of my monikers for reasons I never quite figured out. The other is Trusty Patches, the greatest character From Software has ever written; a lurking and perpetual reminder that no matter how cool and powerful you think you are, you can always be kicked into a pit by people who don't care. This has surprising relevance in the real world.
I work generally in cybersecurity, but dabble in finance and analytics as well. I like to keep my skillset and knowledge broad and always changing.
In my off-time I enjoy motorsports, computers, books, learning Japanese, Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, swimming, and the odd video game. None of these makes me feel like an expert, but as long as it's fun, it's all good.
While trying to stick to my general philosophy of minimal bullshit, I hope that this site maps out my interests and hobbies in a way that others can enjoy. I'm far more of a researcher/analyser than a creator of things, so this is a first for me.
If I did this right, then I'll be applying to join the 512KB club!
Contact: Soon.
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