ニトの家 - Tech

My Current Hardware
My Current Software
Good Reads

My Current Hardware

Hardware is my forte; things with finite dimensions and clear purposes. I've worked my way up from destroying modifying my parents' Power Macintosh as a child, through several bizarre eras of mobile phones, copious laptops of various qualities, to the current era of custom-built PCs and trusty Thinkpads.

Current PC build:

Current laptops:

My Current Software

The primary achievement of software is the elimination of all exponential gains made by hardware over the last few decades. Software is unseen and therefore not to be trusted. Bloat is the enemy, to be culled at every corner possible.

What I use:

Good Reads

A list of interesting articles, wikis, and other information relating to anything technology that caught my fancy.


Beyond the programs and applications we use daily, here's my collection of things for more focused use...

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